Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences
The Social Sciences program at Stevens allows students to study human behavior and society through a variety of approaches and methodologies. Students acquire foundational skills from disciplines such as Political Science, Sociology, and Psychology. After choosing a concentration in one of these fields, they are involved in individual research projects.
Social Sciences Curriculum
Term I (15 Credits)
CAL 103 | Writing and Communications Colloquium | 3 |
HHS 130 | History of Science and Technology | 3 |
HST 120 | Introduction to Science and Technology Studies | 3 |
| Computer Science | 3 |
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
Term II (15 Credits)
CAL 105 | CAL Colloquium: Knowledge, Nature, Culture | 3 |
HLI 220 | Images of Science in Literature | 3 |
HPL 112 | Science and Metaphysics | 3 |
| Mathematics | 3 |
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
Term III (15 Credits)
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
| Mathematics | 3 |
| Secondary Concentration | 3 |
| General Elective | 3 |
Term IV (15 Credits)
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
| Science | 3 |
| General Elective | 3 |
| General Elective | 3 |
Term V (15 Credits)
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
| Non-Major Humanities Requirement | 3 |
| Secondary Concentration | 3 |
| General Elective | 3 |
Term VI (15 Credits)
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
HSS 301 | Research Design and Methods | 3 |
| Secondary Concentration | 3 |
| General Elective | 3 |
Term VII (15 Credits)
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
| Major Specific Course | 3 |
CAL 498 | Thesis Preparation | 3-6 |
| Secondary Concentration | 3 |
| General Elective | 3 |
Term VIII (16 Credits)
CAL 499 | Senior Thesis | 4-8 |
| Non-Major Humanities Requirement | 3 |
| Secondary Concentration | 3 |
| General Elective | 3 |
| General Elective | 3 |