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College of Arts and Letters
Schaefer School of Engineering and Science
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
Department of Civil, Environmental, and Ocean Engineering
Department of Computer Science
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Physics
School of Systems and Enterprises (SSE)
AAI - Applied Artificial Intelligence
ACC - Accounting
BIA - Business Intelligence and Analytics
BIO - Biology
BIOE - Bioengineering
BME - Biomedical Engineering
BT - Business and Technology
CE - Civil Engineering
CH - Chemistry
CHE - Chemical Engineering
CLK - Clark Scholars
CM - Construction Management
COMM - Professional Communications
CPE - Computer Engineering
CS - Computer Science
DE - Developmental English
DS - Data Science
ECON Economics
EE - Electrical Engineering
ELC - English Language and Communication
EM - Engineering Management
EMT - Executive Management of Technology
EN - Environmental Engineering
ENGR - Interdepartmental Engineering
ES - Enterprise Systems
FA - Financial Analytics
FE - Financial Engineering
FIN - Finance
GEN - General Elective
HAR - Humanities/Art
HHS - Humanities/History
HLI - Humanities/Literature
HLI 408
HLI 409
HLI 410
HLI 412
HLI 413
HLI 414
HLI 415
HLI 416
HLI 417
HLI 418
HLI 421
HLI 446
HLI 447
HLI 471
HLI 474
HLI 476
HLI 495
HMU - Humanities/Music
HONR - Honor Program
HPL - Humanities/Philosophy
HSS - Humanities/Social Sciences
HST - Humanities Science and Technology Studies
HTH - Humanities/Theater
HUM - Humanities General
IPD - Integrated Product Development
ISE - Industrial and Systems Engineering
LCH - Language Chinese
LFR - Language French
LSP - Language Spanish
MA - Mathematics
ME - Mechanical Engineering
MGT - Management
MIS - Information Systems
MT - Materials Engineering
NANO - Nanotechnology
NE - Naval Engineering
NIS - Networked Information Systems
OE - Ocean Engineering
PAE - Product Architecture and Engineering
PIN - Pinnacle Scholar
PME - Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
QF - Quantitative Finance
SES - Systems Engineering Security
SM - Sustainability Management
SOC - Service Oriented Computing
SSW - Software Engineering
SYS - Systems Engineering
TE Technical Elective
TG - Technogenesis
TM - Telecommunications Management
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2022-2023 Academic Catalog
HLI - Humanities/Literature
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HLI 408
Creative Writing
HLI 409
Rhetoric and Technical Writing
HLI 410
Wanderers, Warriors, Sinners and Saints: Medieval Literature
HLI 412
Medieval Romances: Rise of the Individual
HLI 413
Literature by Women: The Tradition in English
HLI 414
Literature and Empire
HLI 415
The Bible as Literature
HLI 416
The Legend of King Arthur
HLI 417
English Literature: A Survey from Beowulf to the Restoration (1660)
HLI 418
Literature and Critical Theory
HLI 421
Power and Politics, Kinship and Kings I: Ancient to Renaissance
HLI 446
English Literature: Restoration (1660) to the Present
HLI 447
Survey of British Literature
HLI 471
Literature and the Arts
HLI 474
The Novel in America
HLI 476
Contemporary Culture: Literature and Film, 1950-the Present
HLI 495
Seminar in Literature