Doctoral Program in Biomedical Engineering

The purpose of the doctoral program is to educate scientists and engineers who are prepared to carry out independent investigations. While courses provide the tools for independent work, a large part of the doctoral work is done through independent study. This includes preparation for the qualifying examination, the preparation of research proposals and seminars and familiarity with the current scientific literature in the area of specialization.

The master’s degree is not a prerequisite for admission to the doctoral program. Admission to the doctoral program is based on 1) GRE score, and 2) reasonable evidence that the student will prove capable of specialization on a broad intellectual foundation. 84 credits of graduate work in an approved program of study are required beyond the bachelor’s degree. This may include up to 30 credits obtained in a master’s degree program, if the area of the master’s degree is relevant to the doctoral program. Those with a master’s degree who wish to transfer credits towards the Ph.D. must be aware that only one master’s degree can be used toward the Ph.D. A doctoral dissertation based on the results of original research, carried out under the guidance of a faculty member and defended in public examination, is a major component of the doctoral program, and is included in the 84-credit requirement. For more details about program requirements, see our Graduate Student Handbook.

In the BME program, at least 30 credits must be earned for the Ph.D. dissertation.