Graduate Student Code of Academic Integrity
The Graduate Student Code of Academic Integrity holds that integrity is essential to the ethical pursuit of knowledge and is expected of all Stevens graduate students in all academic endeavors including coursework, research, scholarship, and creative activity.
While all members of the Stevens Community have a responsibility to uphold and maintain the highest standards of integrity in study, research, instruction, and evaluation, the Graduate Student Code of Academic Integrity is concerned specifically with the conduct of graduate students.
By enrollment at Stevens, all graduate students promise to be fully truthful and avoid dishonesty, fraud, misrepresentation, and deceit of any type in relation to their academic work. A student’s submission of work for academic credit indicates that the work is the student’s own. All outside assistance must be acknowledged. Any student who violates this code or who knowingly assists another student in violating this code shall be subject to discipline.
Individual departments or schools within the Institute may adopt additional policies and procedures above and beyond those set forth in this code, but any and all purported violations must be reported to the Office of Graduate Academics & Student Success no more than seven business days after the instructor becomes aware of the issue.
For more information on the Graduate Student Code of Academic Integrity, including types of violations, the process for handling perceived violations and the types of sanctions that can be applied, please visit this website.