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2023-2024 Academic Catalog
> EE - Electrical Engineering
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EE - Electrical Engineering
EE 181
Seminar in Electrical Engineering
EE 225
Circuits and Systems I
EE 226
Circuits and Systems II
EE 250
Mathematics for Electrical Engineers
EE 291
Supplemental Topics in Circuits and Systems I
EE 322
Engineering Design VI
EE 333
Electronics & Instrumentation Lab
EE 345
Modeling and Simulation
EE 348
Signals and Systems
EE 359
Electronic Circuits
EE 390
Microprocessor Systems
EE 400
Research in Electrical and Computer Engineering
EE 423
Engineering Design VII
EE 424
Engineering Design VIII
EE 440
Introduction to AI Engineering
EE 441
Introduction to Wireless Systems
EE 448
Digital Signal Processing
EE 462
Introduction to Image Processing and Coding
EE 465
Introduction to Communication Systems
EE 471
Transport Phenomena in Solid State Devices
EE 473
Electromagnetic Fields
EE 474
Microwave Systems
EE 475
Advanced Communication Systems
EE 478
Control Systems
EE 480
Optical Fiber Communication Systems
EE 485
Thesis in Electrical Engineering I
EE 486
Thesis in Electrical Engineering II
EE 489
Introduction to Electric Energy Systems
EE 493
Data and Computer Communications
EE 503
Introduction to Solid State Physics
EE 507
Introduction to Microelectronics and Photonics
EE 509
Intermediate Waves and Optics
EE 510
Introduction to Radar Systems
EE 515
Photonics I
EE 516
Photonics II
EE 517
Digital and Computer Systems Architecture
EE 519
Engineering Programming/Apps in Python
EE 542
EE 548
Digital Signal Processing
EE 551
Engineering Programming: Python
EE 552
Engineering Programming: Java
EE 553
Engineering Programming: C++
EE 556
Computing Principles for Mobile and Embedded Systems
EE 560
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
EE 561
Solid State Electronics for Engineering I
EE 562
Solid State Electronics for Engineering II
EE 568
Software-Defined Radio
EE 575
Introduction to Control Theory
EE 582
Wireless Networking: Architectures, Protocols and Standards
EE 583
Wireless Communications
EE 584
Wireless Systems Security
EE 585
Physical Design of Wireless Systems
EE 587
Microwave Engineering I
EE 588
Microwave Engineering II
EE 589
Introduction to Power Engineering
EE 590
Smart Grid
EE 595
Reliability and Failure of Solid State Devices
EE 596
Microfabrication Techniques
EE 599
Curricular Practical Training
EE 602
Analytical Methods in Electrical Engineering
EE 603
Linear System Theory
EE 605
Probability and Stochastic Processes I
EE 606
Probability and Stochastic Processes II
EE 608
Applied Modeling and Optimization
EE 609
Communication Theory
EE 610
Error Control Coding for Networks
EE 611
Digital Communications Engineering
EE 612
Principles of Multimedia Compression
EE 613
Digital Signal Processing for Communications
EE 615
OFDM and Multicarrier Communications
EE 616
Signal Detection and Estimation for Communications
EE 617
Statistical Signal Processing
EE 619
Solid State Devices
EE 620
Reliability Engineering
EE 621
Nonlinear Control
EE 626
Optical Communication Systems
EE 627
Data Acquisition, Modeling and Analysis: Big Data Analytics
EE 628
Data Acquisition, Modeling and Analysis: Deep Learning
EE 629
Internet of Things
EE 631
Cooperating Autonomous Mobile Robots
EE 643
Logical Design of Digital Systems I
EE 644
Logical Design of Digital Systems II
EE 645
Image Processing and Comp Vision
EE 647
Analog and Digital Control Theory
EE 651
Spread Spectrum and CDMA
EE 652
Information Analysis/Identification/Services
EE 653
Cross-layer Design for Wireless Networks
EE 656
Image Analysis and Wavelet
EE 664
Advanced Digital Signal Processing
EE 666
Multidimensional Signal Processing
EE 671
Hi-Speed Signal Processing
EE 672
Applied Game Theory and Evolutionary Algorithms
EE 674
Satellite Communications
EE 675
Satellite Communications II
EE 676
Neural Information Processing Systems
EE 681
Fourier Optics
EE 682
Fuzzy Logic Systems
EE 684
Spread Spectrum and CDMA
EE 686
High-Level Operation, Performance, Standards, and Control of Wireless Communications Systems
EE 689
Applied Antenna Theory
EE 693
Heterogeneous Computer Architecture and Hardware
EE 695
Applied Machine Learning
EE 700
Seminar in Electrical Engineering
EE 701
Electrical Engineering Co-Op Education Project
EE 706
Co-Op Engagement in Electrical Engineering
EE 708
Practicum in Electrical Engineering
EE 732
Selected Topics in VLSI Design and Simulation
EE 734
Selected Topics in Modern Control Systems
EE 740
Selected Topics in Communication Theory
EE 775
Selected Topics in Information Theory and Coding
EE 800
Special Problems in Electrical Engineering
EE 801
Special Problems in Electrical Engineering (PhD)
EE 810
Special Topics in Electrical Engineering
EE 820
Research Seminar
EE 900
Thesis in Electrical Engineering (ME)
EE 930
Electrical Engineering Qualifying Exam - Written
EE 931
Electrical Engineering Qualifying Exam - Oral
EE 940
Electrical Engineering Proposal Defense
EE 950
Electrical Engineering Design Project (Deg EE)
EE 960
Research in Electrical Engineering (PhD)