Management of Artificial Intelligence

The Management of AI certificate prepares business students to succeed in the emerging era of machine learning and artificial intelligence. It provides an exposure to the challenges in leveraging artificial intelligence, cognitive computing and machine learning for business impact. In these courses students learn how to analyze business opportunities, develop data sources, build and interpret models, explain the results to management and participate in the implementation of the models in organizational processes. Building on this foundation, students develop the critical thinking skills and judgment needed to manage at the interface between humans and machines. Finally, students are exposed to the business issues, such as governance, data regulation, security, and privacy, surrounding the application of AI for evidence-based decision making.

Management of Artificial Intelligence Requirements

The required courses are:

BIA 662Augmented Intelligence and Generative AI


BIA 667Introduction to Deep Learning and Business Applications


BIA 668Management of AI Technologies


MIS 637Data Analytics and Machine Learning