Honor System for Undergraduate Students

The Stevens Honor System is the rigorous ethical and moral standard to which undergraduate students are held, and which seeks to ensure that all academic work is bona fide. This standard was formally established in 1908 with the creation of the Stevens Honor System as well as its governing body, the Stevens Honor Board. The Honor System at Stevens fulfills two objectives. First, it seeks to ensure that work submitted by students can be trusted as their own and was performed in an atmosphere of honesty and fair play. Second, it promotes a sense of honor and integrity throughout campus and for Stevens’ students in preparation for the professional world.

Enrollment into the undergraduate student body at Stevens Institute of Technology signifies a student’s commitment to the Honor System and the University’s ethical and moral standards. It is the responsibility of each student to become acquainted with and to uphold the ideals set forth in the Honor System Constitution. Specific student responsibilities include:

Maintaining honesty and fair play in all aspects of academic life at Stevens

Writing and signing the pledge, in full, on all submitted academic work

Reporting any suspected violations to the Honor Board

Cooperating with the Honor Board during investigations and hearings

Important information related to the Honor Board, including investigative procedures, can be reviewed here

The Honor Board is the Honor System’s governing body. It is comprised of undergraduate students who are elected by their peers. Members of the Honor Board investigate all suspected breaches of academic integrity, and assign penalties to students who are found responsible for Honor System violations. When investigating a case, Honor Board members meet with the accused student, pertinent witnesses, and relevant faculty. The investigation culminates with one of three outcomes: the case is dropped due to insufficient evidence to support the suspected violation, the accused student confesses, or a hearing is held and the case is presented to a jury of the student’s peers.

The Honor System also includes a two-level appeals process. Any student who believes the Honor Board did not properly follow procedure or who is dissatisfied with a penalty after confessing or being found responsible by a jury may appeal to the Academic Appeals Committee for a reduced penalty. If unsuccessful, the student may submit a final appeal to the Provost or appointed designee.