HAR 461 Art on the Internet

An introduction to the principles and strategies of net art through readings, encounters with artwork, projects, and practical instruction in graphic, multimedia, and interaction design for the Web. Techniques and design problems will be studied through historical and current examples of networked artistic practices. This is a studio course, focused on creative production and peer critique, which meets for four hours, once a week, and also requires students to put in weekly lab time outside of class to complete their assignments. Students will be expected to produce and present three net art projects over the course of the semester, including one final project that must be launched online. Students are not expected to have previous programming experience but should already be familiar with the digital imaging, audio, and/or video tools necessary to produce media that they wish to include in their projects. While this course will introduce students to some of the technologies used by net artists, it should not be taken as a programming class, and cannot be used as an equivalent to technical courses offered by other departments.




Visual Arts and Technology Program