ME 561 Biofeedback Innovations for Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation

Students are invited to learn the fundamentals of musculoskeletal rehabilitation and design and test a "biofeedback" device that teaches the end-user about body movement mechanics. Biofeedback is used in rehabilitation and in other movement-training paradigms to facilitate motor (re-)learning – conveying biological sensor data to the end-user either concurrently (real-time) or terminally, after the movement is complete. For example, one emerging type of real-time biofeedback uses precise musical cues to convey biomechanics metrics to help people learn movement skills. Students will work in groups to design and experimentally evaluate an audio and/or visual biofeedback device of their choosing, as they develop skills using biomechanical sensors through lab assignments and communicate their device development in an IEEE-style paper. An additional unique aspect of the course is its community engagement: students will share their designs with younger students and/or the public, which will build students’ abilities to present and teach new concepts.



Cross Listed Courses

BME 561


PEP 111 or HMU 211 or Instructor's permission


Biomedical Engineering Program Mechanical Engineering Program

Typically Offered Periods

Fall Semester Spring Semester