PEP 652 Relativity II: Modern Topics in General Relativity

General Relativity (GR) describes gravity as the manifestation of space-time curvature. Formulated in 1915, to this day general relativity remains at the forefront of modern research, both in theory and experiment. It predicts puzzling phenomena that have been debated for decades until they were finally observed, such as black holes, gravitational waves, or the expansion of the universe. GR tests have also been one of the main motivators for the establishment of NASA. Today GR is becoming increasingly important for new space-based technology such as GPS or space-based quantum communication. This course will introduce modern topics of general relativity. It builds on the prerequisite PEP 552, where general relativity and differential geometry are first introduced. This course will focus on topics in general relativity such as black holes, gravitational waves, cosmology, experimental tests of general relativity, and the interplay with quantum theory .




PEP 552


Department of Physics

Typically Offered Periods

Fall Semester