SM 509 Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development

Post industrial revolution and particularly in recent decades, economic growth has come at the expense of the environment. The earth’s natural resources have been used in ways that are inefficient and wasteful, with dangerous consequences such as increasing global temperatures, decreased air quality, and alarming climate change. This course will provide students with an understanding of the underlying impact to the economy, the environment, and to society. Having understood the causes, practical solutions that can be implemented to apply green chemistry principles along with circular design and life cycle assessments to address these problems will be covered. The topics include the UN sustainability development goals, circular design, in-depth coverage of the principles of green chemistry and how they are applied, life cycle analyses and how it relates green chemistry to environmental impact. Real life application examples and emerging trends will be discussed.



Cross Listed Courses

CHE 509, EN 509, CH 509


Graduate Student or At Least Junior and CH 116 (or equivalent) or instructor's permission


Chemical Engineering Program Chemical Sciences Program Environmental Engineering Program

Typically Offered Periods

Fall Semester Spring Semester