Undergraduate Programs

The Laws of Physics govern all aspects of the universe from the formation of stars and galaxies, to the processes in the Earth’s atmosphere that determine our climate, to the elementary particles and their interactions that hold together atomic nuclei. Physics also drives many rapidly-advancing technologies, such as information technology, telecommunication, microelectronics, and medical technology, including MRI imaging and laser surgery.

The Physics program at Stevens combines classroom instruction with hands-on research experience in one of several state-of-the-art research laboratories. These laboratories include the Laboratory for Quantum Enhanced Systems and Technology, the Photonics Science and Technology Lab, the Optical Communication and Nanodevices Lab, the Quantum Electron Science and Technology Lab, the Nanophotonics Lab, the Light and Life Lab, and the Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Communications Lab.

Perhaps the most differentiating feature of the Stevens physics curriculum is SKIL (Science Knowledge Integration Ladder), a sequence of project-centered courses. This course sequence lets students work on projects that foster independent learning, innovative problem solving, collaboration and teamwork, and knowledge integration under the guidance of a faculty advisor. The SKIL sequence starts in the sophomore year with projects that integrate basic laboratory skills and design concepts. In the junior and senior years, the projects become more challenging, and the level of independence increases.

Physics major students also have the option to choose from 3 optional concentrations: Astrophysics Concentration, Photonics Concentration, and Quantum Engineering Concentration.

In addition to the Physics program, the Physics Department offers a Bachelor of Engineering with Concentration in Optical Engineering. This program provides the same rigorous foundation in engineering that is common to all engineering programs at Stevens along with a specialization in optics and optical engineering that draws on the department's academic and research strengths in optics, including nonlinear and quantum optics, ultra-fast lasers, remote sensing, photonic sensors, nano-photonics, and optical system design. Optical technology is an integral part of our everyday lives from the sensors in modern automobiles and smartphones to the fiber optics that is the backbone of the internet to the lithography used to manufacture microchips. This program will prepare students to work in any of these fields and many others utilizing optics.

The Physics Department also offers three different minors: Physics, Astronomy, and Photonics.