CPE 931 Computer Engineering Qualifying Exam - Oral
The Qualifying Exam must be passed within a year of entering the Ph.D. program, for students with a masters’ degree and one year and a half for the students entering the program directly from a bachelor degree. The Qualifying Exam consists of two written exams testing fundamental knowledge. The student, advised by his/her Thesis Advisor, selects the two areas that are relevant for its Ph.D. research. The Qualifying Exam is typically offered twice a semester: once in early Fall semester and once in Spring. The Qualifying Exam can be taken a maximum of two times. Qualifying Exam date is announced a couple of weeks in advance by the Department. A student can enroll for a maximum of 9 credits of research before passing the Qualifying Exam, if he/she is working under the supervision of a Thesis Advisor.
CPE 930
Computer Engineering Program