BME 530 Pediatric Medical Device Design

Advancements in technology and medical devices have provided society with improved therapeutic effects, longer life spans and cutting-edge solutions to medical problems. Most of these advancements have been for the adult population whereas pediatric medical innovation has lagged behind. There are several factors that make designing and developing medical devices for pediatric patients challenging. Infants, children and young adult pediatric patients have distinct physiological differences, growth rates, diseases, and response to injury and infection. In this course, students will explore the anatomic and physiologic differences of infants, children and young adults with specific emphasis on neurologic, respiratory, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Current technological limitations and challenges will be explored in the pediatric field. Students will develop a systematic approach to identifying a need, designing and developing a pediatric medical device.




Juniors - Completed or In Progress at least 60 Units


Biomedical Engineering Program

Typically Offered Periods

Spring Semester