HQSS 300 Data Analysis for Quantitative Social Science

Social scientific analytical skills are transforming many sectors— from business and journalismto public policy and health care, among others. Data analysis for quantitative social science willhelp students develop the tools they need to be informed participants and active leaders in thesedata-driven sectors. The course introduces statistical techniques used in the social sciences andprepares students for more advanced statistics and programming coursework. Critical thinkingwill be emphasized using topics such as data analysis, data visualizations, and more. The contentof the course can be divided into two sections: (1) managing data in the R statistical language -which will cover the basics of description, visualization, and inferential statistics (2)characterizing statistical uncertainty across various data forms from both a small and largesample perspective and understanding the basic linear model.




BT 221 or MA 222


School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

Typically Offered Periods

Fall Semester Spring Semester