LSP 305 Latin American Literature and Culture

This course serves as an introduction to Latin American literature and culture through the study of popular works from pre-Columbian literature to the McOndo era. This course aims to explore concepts of identity through prominent Latin American authors of early “modernismo” alongside post-boom novelists who looked to class struggle, the power structures of gender relationships, and urban poverty, to weave new narratives of the postcolonial world. In a chronological but thematic approach, major political themes, forms, and techniques will juxtapose texts of magical realism, “indigenism” and “Gauchismo” with a close analysis of texts by Borges, Rulfo, García Márquez, Allende, Bolaño, Vallejo, and others. This course will be conducted entirely in Spanish. Intermediate Spanish II (or equivalent) or placement test required. NOTE: This course counts for Humanities credit




LSP 201 and LSP 202


Humanities and Social Sciences Program