LSP 310 Spanish Literature and Culture

This course is a survey of Spanish literature from the Renaissance to thecurrent era. The dual objective of the course is to acquire a panoramic vision of modern Spanishliterature and culture that accounts for the authors whose works have marked key moments in theliterary history of the region. The second objective is to practice reading the Spanish canon witha critical approach to literary history. By the end of the semester, students will be prepared toparticipate in informed debates about the Spanish literary canon and will themselves create anannotated timeline that demonstrates historical relationships and their application to modernSpanish culture. This course will be conducted entirely in Spanish. Pre-requisite is LSP 202 orequivalent or placement test. NOTE: This course counts for humanities credit.




LSP 201 and LSP 202


Humanities and Social Sciences Program

Typically Offered Periods

Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Semester Summer Session 1 Summer Session 2