Business Minors
All students must fullfill the requirement of the minor. Business and QF students must take at least 3 courses that are not part of their required degree requirements. General Electives and Tech Electives can be applied towards the minor.
Non-Business/QF students can receive any minor and can apply any of the courses toward degree requirements.
Business Students: BSB/QF students cannot receive a minor in the same field as their concentration or major. For example, a Business and Technology Major concentrating in Finance, cannot also minor in Finance.
Accounting Minor
ACC 200 | Principles of Financial Accounting | 3 |
ACC 215 | Managerial Accounting | 3 |
ACC 311 | Intermediate Accounting I | 3 |
ACC 312 | Intermediate Accounting II | 3 |
Students select 2 courses from the following:
ACC 351 | Federal Taxation of Individuals | 3 |
ACC 421 | Audit and Assurance | 3 |
ACC 431 | Advanced Accounting | 3 |
ACC 510 | Financial Statement Analysis | 3 |
ACC 535 | Accounting Data Analytics and Information Systems | 3 |
ACC 552 | Tax Compliance and Planning for Business Entities | 3 |
ACC 555 | Retirement and Estate Planning | 3 |
ACC 585 | Fraud Examination and Forensic Investigation | 3 |
ACC 620 | Accounting Regulations: Research & Applications | 3 |
Marketing Minor
Course Options:
BT 350 | Marketing | 3 |
BT 403 | Marketing Strategy in a Digital World | 3 |
BT 417 | Market Analytics & Research | 3 |
BT 435 | Social Media and Network Analysis | 3 |
BT 445 | Virtual and Physical Consumer Behavior | 3 |
BT 465 | Integrated Marketing and Communication | 3 |
Finance Minor*
ACC 200 | Principles of Financial Accounting | 3 |
BT 321 | Corporate Finance | 3 |
BT 440 | Money, Banking and Financial Institutions | 3 |
BT 425 | Portfolio Management | 3 |
BT 426 | Equity Valuation | 3 |
FIN 510 | Financial Statement Analysis | 3 |
Choose two from the following:
BT 442 | Fixed Income Analysis | 3 |
QF 430 | Introduction to Derivatives | 3 |
FIN 420 | A Survey of Topics in Financial Technology | 3 |
FIN 540 | Sustainable Finance | 3 |
*Quantitative Finance students cannot minor in finance
Entrepreneurship Minor for Business Students
ACC 200 | Principles of Financial Accounting | 3 |
BT 370 | Human Centered Design | 3 |
BT 372 | Entrepreneurship | 3 |
BT 403 | Marketing Strategy in a Digital World | 3 |
| | |
MGT 411 | Senior Design I | 3 |
| And | |
MGT 412 | Senior Design II | 1 |
| Or | |
BT 419 | Entrepreneurship Practicum | 3 |
| | |
*Students in MGT411/412 must choose the entrepreneurship track OR BT 419
Students must choose one from the following:
BT 244 | Microeconomics | 3 |
BT 321 | Corporate Finance | 3 |
BT 419 | Entrepreneurship Practicum | 3 |
BT 447 | Creativity and Innovation | 3 |
MGT 472 | Assessment and Financing of Technical Business Opportunities | 3 |
| Or | |
FIN 526 | Private Equity and Venture Capital | 3 |
Entrepreneurship Minor for Non-Business Students
Students must choose one from the following:
BT 447 | Creativity and Innovation | 3 |
MGT 472 | Assessment and Financing of Technical Business Opportunities | 3 |
| Or | |
FIN 526 | Private Equity and Venture Capital | 3 |
BT 321 | Corporate Finance | 3 |
BT 244 | Microeconomics | 3 |
BT 403 | Marketing Strategy in a Digital World | 3 |
Information Systems Minor
Requirements for a minor in Information Systems
(Not available to majors in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Cybersecurity, Information Systems, and Service-Oriented Computing):
BT 333 | Database Management | 3 |
BT 416 | Business Process Management | 4 |
BT 421 | Systems Analysis and Design | 3 |
MIS 201 | Fundamentals of Information Systems | 3 |
MIS 110 | Creative Problem Solving in Computing | 3 |
| Or | |
CS 115 | Introduction to Computer Science | 4 |
MIS 460 | IT Strategy: Strategic Issues in IT Management | 3 |
Quantitative Finance Minor
QF 101 | Quantitative Finance | 3 |
QF 102 | Basic Financial Tools | 1 |
QF 103 | Introduction to Financial Tools and Technology | 1 |
BT 321 | Corporate Finance | 3 |
ACC 200 | Principles of Financial Accounting | 3 |
Students select 1 courses from the following:
QF 430 | Introduction to Derivatives | 3 |
QF 343 | Introduction to Stochastic Calculus for QF | 3 |
FE 543 | Introduction to Stochastic Calculus for Finance | 3 |
Plus one of the following:
QF 435 | Risk Management for Capital Markets | 3 |
FE 535 | Introduction to Financial Risk Management | 3 |
Plus one of the following
QF 200 | Financial Econometrics | 3 |
FA 541 | Applied Statistics with Applications in Finance | 3 |
FA 590 | Statistical Learning | 3 |
FE 530 | Introduction to Financial Engineering | 3 |
Economics Minor for BSB Students:
Required courses:
Plus one course from among the following:
BT 454 | International Economics and Finance | 3 |
QF 200 | Financial Econometrics | 3 |
MGT 451 | Computational Models of Thought and Behavior | 3 |
BT 436 | Game Theory | 3 |
Economics Minor for Quantitative Finance Students:
Required courses:
Plus three courses from among the following:
BT 360 | International Business | 3 |
BT 436 | Game Theory | 3 |
BT 440 | Money, Banking and Financial Institutions | 3 |
BT 454 | International Economics and Finance | 3 |
MGT 451 | Computational Models of Thought and Behavior | 3 |
QF 200 | Financial Econometrics | 3 |
QF 202 | Financial Time Series | 3 |
Economics Minor for All Non-Business Students:
Plus two courses from the following:
BT 454 | International Economics and Finance | 3 |
QF 200 | Financial Econometrics | 3 |
MGT 451 | Computational Models of Thought and Behavior | 3 |
BT 436 | Game Theory | 3 |
Management Minor for All Non-Business Students
Plus two courses from the following:
BT 100 | Principles of Management | 3 |
BT 330 | Social Psychology and Organizational Behavior | 3 |
BT 422 | Decision Making | 3 |
HPL 456 | Ethics of Business and Technology | 3 |
BT 370 | Human Centered Design | 3 |
MGT 451 | Computational Models of Thought and Behavior | 3 |
BT 360 | International Business | 3 |
BT 401 | Advanced Strategy | 3 |
BT 419 | Entrepreneurship Practicum | 3 |
BT 447 | Creativity and Innovation | 3 |
Plus one course from the following:
BT 100 | Principles of Management | 3 |
BT 330 | Social Psychology and Organizational Behavior | 3 |