Academic Probation

Students may be placed on Academic Probation for one or more of the reasons listed below. 

Students that are placed on Academic Probation are required to work with their faculty and/or academic advisor to complete a Probation Remediation Action Plan. If a student is placed on Academic Probation and their academic progress does not improve, they will be at risk of being dismissed from their program. A student on Academic Probation is removed from Academic Probation when the condition leading to Academic Probation is resolved.

Master's students may be placed on Academic Probation for the following reasons: 

- Has received an F in a course that has not been improved by repeating the course

- Has less than a B (3.0 GPA) average after earning 10 or more credits

Has received three or more C's

Doctoral students may be placed on Academic Probation for the following reasons: 

- Has received a C or below in a course

- Has less than a 3.30 GPA

*Note: Repeated incidents of probation may lead to loss of doctoral funding.