Leave of Absence

All graduate students are expected to maintain continuity of enrollment, except for summer sessions. If students are unable to meet this requirement, the student must apply for a leave of absence by submitting a Request for Leave of Absence on Workday Student. A leave of absence is granted for a limited time period, usually 6 months or one year. Upon student request, the period may be extended at the discretion of Graduate Academics & Student Success. Time spent in the Armed Forces of the United States while on leave of absence is not included in the six-year limit to complete the degree.  


Leave of Absence does not waive a review of an action on a student's academic performance. Students who do not maintain continuity of enrollment and who do not obtain a leave of absence may be dropped from the program. Re-enrollment requires permission from Graduate Academics & Student Success and the Program Director/Department Chair. Students who take a medical leave of absence also require permission from Graduate Student Life for re-enrollment. 


Students who do not return to Stevens within one year or two semesters and have not obtained an extension of their Leave of Absence approved by Graduate Academics & Student Success will be classified as withdrawn with the exception of those in military service who have been deployed.


Administrative (Involuntary) Leave of Absence

Students may be placed on an administrative (involuntary) leave of absence for any of the following reasons: financial holds, medical/mental health as determined by professional staff members, and/or disciplinary action as determined by Graduate Academics & Student Success or Graduate Student Life.