Course Options

Taking Graduate Course as an Undergraduate Student

500-Level Courses
Undergraduate students with at least junior standing can enroll for graduate courses at the 500-level, provided they satisfy the prerequisite requirements. Students are not allowed to enroll in more than two online classes in any semester. All these courses are counted as part of the student's regular credit load for computing charges for extra courses.  

600-Level Courses
Undergraduate students with at least junior standing and a 3.25 or higher GPA can enroll for 600-level graduate courses if they satisfy the prerequisite requirements. Students must submit an Undergraduate Permission to Take Graduate Courses request on Workday. All of these courses are counted as part of the student's regular credit load for computing charges for extra courses. 

Special Problems Course

Under special circumstances, a student may take a Special Problems course (800 at the Master's level, 801 at the doctoral level). No more than 6 credits can be taken in the 800 or 801 Special Problems courses. To request a special problems course, students must complete a request on Workday, which will be reviewed by the instructor of the course and Graduate Academics & Student Success. 

Course by Application

Under special circumstances, a course may be offered "by application" in a semester in which the course is not scheduled. The course may be taken by application with the approval of the instructor, the student's faculty advisor, and Graduate Academics & Student Success. Regular enrollment is required, and the student and instructor must make time for the student to study the material and be tested out during the semester. A letter grade is issued at the end of the semester.

Auditing Courses

To audit a course is to register for a course and attend class sessions without receiving credit for the course. Students may register to audit a course with the approval of the instructor and Graduate Academics & Student Success. The course will be count as an enrolled course for the purposes of computing overload charges, should they be required. After a student declares that they would like to audit a course, they may not change to credit status or take the course for credit at a future time.

Students are required to declare audit status for a course on Workday Student prior to add/drop date. 

Dropping/Withdrawing from Courses

Dropping a Course
Courses may be dropped during the Add/Drop period in the first two weeks of the semester (one week in summer sessions) online via Workday Student. When a course is dropped, no record of the student’s enrollment in the course remains on the student transcript.

Withdrawing from a Course
After the Add/Drop period has passed, students may withdraw from a course up to one week before the last day of classes. When a student withdraws from a course, a grade of “W” is recorded on the transcript. The grade of “W” does not affect the student’s graduating GPA.

Students may withdraw from a course on their own up to the tenth class session of the semester. After the tenth class session, permission to withdraw from a course will be granted at the discretion of the course instructor and Graduate Academics & Student Success. 

Withdrawing from a course may impact your status as a full-time student. International students should consult with the Office of International Student and Scholar Services before withdrawing from a course as it may have implications on immigration status.