Grade Point Averages

The Office of the Registrar calculates three different GPAs for each student:

  • The semester GPA is determined from all courses taken at Stevens during a semester.
  • The graduating GPA is calculated from all courses taken at Stevens that are part of the degree requirement also known as Program of Study GPA.
  • The ranking GPA is calculated from all courses that are part of the degree requirement. In this case, all repeated courses are included and repeated courses taken outside of Stevens are calculated as a “C.”

Repeated Courses and the Graduating GPA

  • If a course is repeated, the new grade replaces the old grade for purposes of calculating the graduating GPA, even if the new grade is lower than the previous grade(s). However, if a passed course is retaken, and a grade of W or F is recorded for the retake, then the course is considered as having been passed. The previous passing grade will be used in calculating the graduating GPA.
  • If a course is repeated outside of Stevens with a grade of C or better, then a grade of C is used to calculate the graduating GPA.