Grade Scale

Academic grades for courses numbered lower than 500-level are listed below and quality points per credit are indicated in parentheses:

A (4.00) Excellent
A- (3.67)
B+ (3.33)
B (3.00) Good
B- (2.67)
C+ (2.33)
C (2.00) Fair
C- (1.67)
D+ (1.33)
D (1.00) Poor
F (0.00) Failure
P (0.00) Indicates a successfully completed Pass/Fail course.
AUD   Indicates the course has been audited; no grade was earned and no credit has been awarded
If you withdraw from a course up until one week before the last class meeting of the semester, “W” is posted.
It is a temporary notation issued to students by the Office of the Registrar in the following situation:
– a grade has not been entered on the grade roster for a student
 ABS    Absent from final exam. The grade of ABS may be given only when the student missed the final examination
 INC    Incomplete

Faculty regulations concerning the abbreviations “Abs.” for absent and “Inc.” for incomplete can be found on the Undergraduate Academics website. Stevens uses the Quality Points System to determine grade point averages (GPA). This means an “A” in a three semester-hour course is worth three times more than an “A” in a one semester-hour course. To determine the number of quality points for any course, the semester hours are multiplied by the value of the letter grade received for the course. To determine the weighted average, the sum of quality points is divided by the sum of quality hours.

The lowest passing grade for undergraduate courses is a D.

ABS: Instructors can assign the grade placeholder in Workday. Students who will be receiving a grade of ABS in a course must submit an Absence request in Workday. This request requires the approval of the instructor and the Office of Undergraduate Academics. The instructor must indicate a date for completion of the course, which must be within the first two weeks of the next full semester. If student does not complete the final exam by the approved date the grade will lapse to a failure.

INC: An incomplete has been approved by the course instructor prior to the last regular meeting of the course; an incomplete must be resolved for a regular grade according to established academic guidelines. If missing coursework is not submitted by the established deadline, the grade will lapse to a failure.