Master of Science in Financial Analytics (MFA)

**Note: The Master of Science in Financial Analytics has been revised and will not be available to students entering Spring 2024 or later. Students who were admitted to the Master of Science in Financial Analytics for the Fall 2023 semester will follow the requirements outlined below. 

If a student wishes to follow the requirements of the new Master of Science in Financial Technology & Analytics program instead, they should contact their faculty advisor and the Office of Graduate Academics & Student Success. 

The Master of Science in Financial Analytics program is designed for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) students who are pursuing careers in the financial industry. The program focuses on recent development in financial data science from fundamental data processing to machine learning, statistical modeling, and fintech. Program graduates are expected to be able to handle complex financial data, build advanced analytical models, deliver effective visualization product, and utilize cloud-based data-driven analytics technology. 

The FA Masters' degree may be completed by taking the core courses and any 12 credits of elective courses. Alternately, students may choose the elective courses in one of the three possible concentrations detailed next. 

Financial Analytics Curriculum

Required Core Courses

FE 582Foundations of Financial Data Science


FE 513Financial Lab: Practical Aspects of Database Design


FE 535Introduction to Financial Risk Management


FA 800Project in Financial Analytics

1 - 6


Students are required to complete 12 credits of elective courses. The elective courses may be any of the FA/FE course offerings or any course at Stevens with advisor approval. Students may also choose to use their elective courses to pursue one of the three specific tracks (concentrations) detailed below.

Advanced Risk Analytics Concentration

Advanced Risk Analytics Concentration Requirements

Students who pursue the Advanced Risk Analytics concentration are required to complete the following courses. The General Elective course is to be decided with the Advisor's help. 

FE 635Financial Enterprise Risk Engineering


FE 655Systemic Risk and Financial Regulation


FA 636Advanced Risk Analytics


General Elective


Data Science and Optimization Concentration

Data Science and Optimization Concentration Requirements

Students who pursue the Data Science and Optimization concentration are required to complete the following courses. "Or" indicates a choice between respective courses.

FA 631Investment, Portfolio Construction, and Trading Analytics



MA 575Optimization Models in Quantitative Finance


MA 630Advanced Optimization Methods



MA 661Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning



MA 662Stochastic Programming


FINTECH and Machine Learning Concentration

FINTECH and Machine Learning Requirements List

Students who pursue the FINTECH and Machine Learning concentration are required to complete the following courses. The General Elective course is to be decided with the Advisor's help. 

FE 690Machine Learning in Finance


General Elective